Here are some tips on how to balance the use of electronic devices and get your preschooler moving and enjoying outside time.
- Set some time aside and unplug your home each day! Use that time and go outside. Garden, ride bikes, or even draw pictures outside as a family.
- There's an app for that! Limit screen use with the help of an app! Check out the TimeLock Time Limit app in the iTunes store.
- Set up a incentive system and encourage your child to earn their electronic time to play. Encourage your to earn time by making a healthy food choice, helping around the house or helping with the family pet could potentially earn your child a minute of electronic time.
- Children learn by example! Spending time relaxing and catching up on your favorite tv shows or computer games may send the message that it's okay for your child to spend time of their favorite computer games too.
- Have a start and an end time. An ideal time for preschoolers to enjoy electronics is 15-30 minutes a day.